
Lessons You Can Use Today

Leaders in Gear is full of leadership lessons that can be put to use today.  A few examples:
  • Manage your time
  • Work through failures
  • Stick to your commitments
  • Build trust
  • Work effectively with negative people
  • Streamline meetings
  • Control your nerves before and during presentations
  • Engage any audience
  • Create and use interesting slide shows
Purchase a copy today for yourself and/or the leader(s) in your life.  Email me directly if you are planning on purchasing a set for your team and/or classroom.

Leaders in Gear - $10/book

"Leaders in Gear is full of lots of practical ideas for working leaders."
Mark Sanborn
Professional Speaker, Leadership Expert, Leadership Author

A Preview of the Concepts Covered in Leaders in Gear

Rhett Laubach
Owner, YourNextSpeaker, LLC


Written For the Busy Leader

I intentionally wrote Leaders in Gear as a resource for busy professionals and student leaders. 

• The information is tangible and applicable today. 
• The material is bundled into three separate application areas: personal development, interpersonal skills and presentation improvement. 
• Each chapter is brief and concise. The longest chapter is only five pages. Get it quick and get back to work. 
• Each chapter begins with a Big MO. MO stands for Motor Oil. This is the main take-away from each chapter. The concept or strategy that greases the wheels of the gears of leadership. You can even pick and choose quickly by browsing the full list of Big MOs at the back of the book. You can preview the Big MOs from the team section here - http://leadersingear.blogspot.com/2010/03/big-mo.html

Click Buy Now to order your copy today. If you are a team leader or educator and would like to order multiple copies, email me (rhett (at) yournextpeaker.com) to learn about our bulk discounts. Thank you.