
The Presentations Section's Big MOs

Leaders in Gear is built in three sections:  Get Yourself in Gear, Get Your Team in Gear, Get Your Presentations in Gear.  Each of the 59 chapters has one big "do this if you do anything" idea called the Big MO.  The Big MOs from the first two sections are in previous posts.  Here are the Big MOs from the Get Your Presentations in Gear section:

38. Seven Speaking Tips - Give concrete, visual, simple messages.
39. Five Speaking Misconceptions - Credibility starts with authenticity.
40. Three Common Pitfalls - Give your talks zest, flavor and life.
41. Create Memorable Messages - Less information is more.
42. Control Nerves - Know your stuff top to bottom.
43. SMART Presenters - Broken time rules kill presentations.
44. Develop Presentations - Quickly figure out your unique position.
45. Small Group Credibility - Smile and express genuine charisma.
46. Lead Small Group Discussions - Get everyone engaged to improve output.
47. Room Preparation - Your presentation starts before you do.
48. Build Audience Rapport - Orchestrate their involvement.
49. Engage an Auditorium Audience - An auditorium’s cons can be pros.
50. Keeping Attention - Use emotions to get and keep attention.
51. Difficult Audience Members - Once you lose control, you lose trust.
52. Four Audience Types - Everyone has a reason for how they respond.
53. Great Keynotes - Be fully engaged.
54. Unplanned Keynote Moments - Respond positively to distractions.
55. Concentrate Your Room - Get everyone facing the same direction.
56. Your Personality Matters - Be the best of you and a little of them.
57. Great Speaker Introductions - The speaker introduction is the speech’s start.
58. Powerful Slide Shows - Slide shows are for visual support.
59. Perfect Banquet Talks - Be entertaining.